Direction Recommendation Drilling Location Utilization Of Groundwater Under The Interpretation Of Data Electrical Resistivity

Ahmad Imam Abdullah, Abdullah Abdullah


In order to provide clean water source infrastructure in the area of the planned housing complex construction in Kayumalue Kelurahan, Kota Palu, a recommendation is needed regarding the location of potential groundwater drilling points. Efforts to meet these targets are carried out by means of exploration using themethod electrical resistivity (ER). The equipment used is resistivitymeter the AGI Supersting R8 / IP. In the field setting, we measured 2 trajectories by applying the Wennerconfiguration imaging 2-Dat 56 number of 6 m spaced electrodes, where the data modeling used the EarthImager 2-D v.2.4.0 software. In this study, we also utilized geological information and performed survey the existence of groundwater utilization wells that are around the location. The results obtained that around the location are composed by water-saturated sedimentary rocks, which are needed by the presence of groundwater wells of residents who obtain groundwater with a slightly salty and fresh taste, at a shallow depth between 3-5 m. By doing so, the two preliminary data have provided additional confidence in the process of interpreting the ER data, that there is groundwater around the site as an initial description of the local hydrogeological conditions. Furthermore, based on the ER data modeling obtained high conductivity values> 100 mS / m and low resistivity values <20 Ohm-m, which we interpret as subsurface layers that are saturated or saturated with groundwater, as a potential area for obtaining groundwater. It is this result that we make the basis for recommending the ideal location for groundwater drilling. Among them are 3 points on line 1, and 4 points on line 2, at varying depths at each point that are between 5-10 m, 20 m, and 40-50 m.

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