Urban Sprawl In Palu City

Iwan Alim Saputra, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Ika Listiqowati


The development of the city is identical with the physical aspect in the form of area construction horizontally and vertically. Population growth is a major factor in the expansion of the developed land. The relatively constant area of land results in land-building activities by city dwellers leading out of the city center. Understanding the urban sprawl is the core of this study. The main objective of this research is to study the urban sprawl by identifying the distribution and extent of physical changes of the buildingas well asthe type of the distribution. This research uses spatial approach with survey. Data collection is done by examining remote sensing data (satellite imagery) and using map overlay technique in spatial data analysis. Quantitative descriptive analysis becomes a follow-up of sample data that has been collected.

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