Christin Rony Nayoan



Background : Malignant tumour in the head and neck region are among the top five of all malignancies in the world. The location of many malignant tumour is nasopharynx but with varying numbers.

Objective: to know the description of head and  neck tumour case variation at Undata Palu Hospital 2014-2017 period.

Method: Descriptive – Retrospective study using secondary data from patient's medical record at SMF THT-KL at Undata Palu Hospital 2014-2017 period. Descriptive analysis was performed for the location of the tumour; age and gender.

Results: Head and neck tumour are common in the 41-65 age group (66%), more in the male sex and most are nasopharyngeal tumour (32%).

Conclusion: Case variation of head  and neck tumour at RSUD Undata Palu is not different than some regions in Indonesia and other countries.

Keywords: Head and neck tumour, nasopharyngeal, Undata

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Pusat Pengembangan Penelitian, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tadulako
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Jl. Soekarno Hatta KM. 9, Tondo, Mantiulore, Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia.