Hospital Disaster Management Plan at Sayang Rakyat Hospital during Response phase in Central Sulawesi Disaster

Fadhilah Putri Wulandari, Christianto Matulatan, Muhammad Firdaus Kasim


Hospitals play a critical role in health care infrastructure. Hospitals have a primary responsibility of saving lives, they also provide 24/7 emergency care service and hence public perceive it as a vital resource for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up for both physical and psychological care. The emergency plan for smaller hospitals such as community health center may actually only focus around providing either mobile emergency care on the site of incident or providing intermediate stabilization and forward referral of serious patients to the nearest networked hospital. December 28th 2018 marks the occurrence of a tectonic earthquake which hit Donggala district and affected Palu city an Parigi Mountong Regency as well. The earthquake was subsequently followed by a tsunami that swept away significant amount of parts of Palu city and Parigi Mountong City. In the last year’s chaos, it turned out /it has been recorded that Sayang Rakyat Hospital which is located 841,4 km away from the incident becomes one of the prominent referral center hospital. The hospital did emergency plan such as community health center focus around providing either mobile emergency care on the site of incident or providing intermediate stabilization and forward referral of serious patients to the nearest networked hospital. Palu’s earthquake victims referred to Sayang Rakyat Hospital during the four-days period between Septermber 29th 2018 to October 2nd 2018 are 236 patients in total. The final data indicate the patients with general weakness diagnosis (47,88%) make up as the majority. And following various wound such as vulnus laceratum, vulnus excoriatum diagnosis (13,55%) most filled the bed emergency room. Some of these patients receive inpatient care, and the remainings are allowed to undergo outpatient care.

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Pusat Pengembangan Penelitian, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tadulako
Gedung Dekanat Fakultas Kedokteran Lantai 3, Universitas Tadulako
Jl. Soekarno Hatta KM. 9, Tondo, Mantiulore, Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia.