Fitria Dewi Navisa, Hisbul Luthfi Ashsyarofi, Arfan Kaimuddin


The objectives to be achieved in this study are to identify and analyze the challenges of implementing the Sidomulyo Village Fund (Kota Batu) which is oriented towards the principle of protection and empowerment of rural communities. The research method used is empirical yuridical research, data obtained and collected through triangulation (multi-method). Primary data obtained by observation and interviews (interviews). Participant observation was used to explore symptomatic data. Meanwhile, in-depth interviews were used to explore categories of impression or view data. This study analyzes feminist legal theory, where Feminist Legal Theory emphasizes delegitimacy to reject the dominance of certain orders or structures which are patriarchal structures in society that are used as the basis for drafting legislation. In Peace Village (Desa Sidomulyo-Kota Batu), we can look at the global gender gap index and the index for women, peace, and global security for each citizen in the village, to provide an assessment of how the Peace Village Concept is implemented. Discussing the role of the Village Fund in Sidomulyo-Kota Batu Village in the Village Peace process, especially those related to women, in this case, the researcher will provide an important academic and intellectual framework on how the Peace Village Concept can be improved from a cognitive perspective. Many people assume that women play a passive role in violent extremism or that women are always "victims" of violent extremism and instead hide the various ways in which women can participate in extremism and violence. Empowerment of women needs to be done to undermine radical ideology, prevent social conflict, intolerance, and violent extremism. Gender equality between women and men is not just a matter of empowering women, but it also requires ongoing structural changes that prevent social/cultural harm, sexism, racism, and authoritarian power relations. Moreover, the polarization between men, who want to fight back, and women who seek peaceful means, has been criticized.


Gender; Peace Village; Village Fund

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