Ahmad Fadel, Irwansyah Irwansyah, Zulkifli Aspan


The existence of the traditional market is one of the most obvious faktors in the economic presence of the most real people in the region, the presence of tradisional market in Majene city is a bit disturbed with the presence of moderen shops, that is the basic for internal government forming rule number 19 year 2015 law on traditional market protection and setting up modern store in Majene Country, as a matter of fact, the implementation of the ordinance on the ground is felt to be off the level of the local government with the aid o a service force that plays a key role in lw enforcement, it is still waek that the local government has been granted full authority in handling permis and the establishment of modern shops, the local government is the most familiar and able to do so piodically liable. This is because the regency is the most informed party local condition and capable of regular supervisin due to a phenomenon occuring in Majene district where the estsbilishment of a modern shop is not based of rule No 19, 2015 years, trend of government  toward inclusion modern shops have drawn up a concept inside by law’s formal rules are purely inadequate for an understending of the deep formal institutions flingging the concept of the ordinance makes a rule ridiculous and is just a sugestion the rule are weak and not defined as the point of reference the the modern store in Majene country


Modern Shop; Protection; Traditional Market

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