Asmadi Weri, Supriadi Supriadi, Awaluddin Awaluddin, Dewi Kemala Sari


The transfer of the function of mangrove forests to other facilities development activities will threaten the sustainability and sustainability of mangrove forests which have beneficial functions for the benefit of coastal, marine, and coastal ecosystems. The conversion of mangrove forests for other purposes almost occurs in all provinces and districts/cities in Indonesia, except for provinces and districts/cities that do not have mangrove forests. Central Sulawesi Province is one of the provinces on the island of Sulawesi where almost 2/3 (two-thirds) of the people live or live along the coast, so most people depend on the fishery sector for their livelihood. Central Sulawesi Province has a mangrove forest area that has been determined by the Governor, with a total area of46,000 hectares, which are spread over 12 (twelve) regencies/cities, except for Sigi Biromaru Regency. Of the mangrove forest area, in 2012, there were 24,738 hectares of mangrove forest. The worst damage was in Banggai, which left 5% (five) percent of its good mangrove forest from a total area of 7,387 hectares.

Related to the data regarding the transfer of mangrove forest functions above, in Central Sulawesi Province, one of the regencies with a mangrove forest area, namely Tojo Una-Una Regency, has a mangrove forest area of 2,823.76 hectares. Tojo Una-Una Regency has two islands: (i) Una-Una Islands and (ii) Togean Islands. The Una-Una Archipelago has one sub-district, namely Tojo Una-Una District, and two villages that have converted mangrove forests into settlements: (i) Una-Una Village and (ii) Tanjungpude Village. The transfer of the function of the mangrove forest (mangrove) for settlement by the two villages, theoretically, there has been destruction and shrinkage of the mangrove forest.


Central Sulawesi; Conversion; Forest; Mangrove; Settlement

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