Fachria Muntihani, Syamsuddin Muchtar, Haeranah Haeranah


This study aims to analyze the implementation of the fulfillment of the mental rehabilitation rights of children victims of criminal acts, and the factors that influence the fulfillment of the mental rehabilitation rights of children victims of sexual violence.

The research was conducted in Gowa Regency, namely the Gowa Police, the Social Service, and the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office. This research is empirical research. The approach used is the legal approach and the case approach. Data collection techniques used are document studies and interviews. The data analysis used is qualitative analysis.

The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the fulfillment of the mental rehabilitation rights of children victims of sexual violence has not been carried out optimally. At this stage of implementation, there are rights of children who are victims of sexual violence that are not fulfilled, namely the rights of children to a visum et psychiatric examination. However, although the right to a post-mortem et psychiatric examination is not fulfilled, other children's rights, both in terms of holding identification, providing services, and legal assistance have been fulfilled in accordance with the conditions and needs of children who are victims of sexual violence. Factors that affect the fulfillment of mental rehabilitation rights for children who are victims of sexual violence, namely law enforcement factors due to the lack of officers at the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection service and the absence of investigators' initiative in fulfilling the psychiatric post-mortem examination. Factors of Facilities and Facilities, namely the absence of a counseling room at the Social Service, and the absence of funds provided by the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection for a psychiatric post-mortem examination. The community factor is caused by the lack of information and public knowledge about Rehabilitation for children who are victims of sexual violence. Cultural factors are caused by a culture of siri' or shame which causes people not to report sexual violence that occurs to children because they think that sexual violence against children is a disgrace that must be covered up.


Child; Sexual Violence; Victim; Mentally; Rehabilitation

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