Wirdayanti Wirdayanti, Rizka Ardiansyah, Yuri Yudhaswana, Yusuf Anshori, Yazdi Pusadan, Dwi Shinta Angreni, Tantri Ika Putri


EYD is one thing that needs to be considered in journal writing, scientific work, or a thesis. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with interactions between computers and humans using natural language. The goal of NLP is for computers to achieve a human-like understanding of language. Currently, the automatic detection system owned by a word processing application cannot always detect every word so writing errors can still be found in the typed report itself. And also if a thesis wants to be published in a journal and there are writing errors in it, then the journal will be rejected at the review stage by the reviewer. Therefore, a web-based spelling error detection system was created. This system was developed using Natural Language Processing and Fuzzy Logic algorithms. The results of this study are applications that can help make decisions in detecting spelling errors.


Spell Detection System; Enhanced Spelling (EYD); Natural Language Processing; Fuzzy Logic; Writing Errors;

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