Mauren Chesaria Wenno, Muhammad Nasir, Cinderella AN Rieuwpassa



Background : Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura is a disease of platelet decline in value caused by the interference of antigen and antibody, the disease is  rarely encountered thrombocytopenia in pregnant women. Mothers with immune thrombocytopenia purpura are particularly at risk of conceiving babies with bleeding in the brain if not treated adequately. Maternity G2P1A0 age of 25 years with a history of labor first child died 24 hours post-treatment come with symptoms of shortness of hospital, medical history prior frequent spontaneous bleeding since childhood, from the physical examination in getting conjunctival anemis, no enlargement of the liver, spleen and lymph nodes, the gynecological examination fundus height 30 cm, where the head has entered the pelvis, HIS 3 times in 10 minutes duration  10-20 seconds. The amniotic fluid are low , there is mucus, when routine blood tests platelet counts below normal, and the morphological examination of peripheral blood cells found their giant platelets, patients are planned for deep transperitoneal cesarean section deliveries with spinal anesthesia. In pregnancy this time it did  routine check up in hospitals and take corticosteroids at the end of the trimester until the moment until delivery. Giant platelet cells is a marker of mothers with immune thrombocytopenia purpura In pregnancy this time it did  routine in hospitals and take corticosteroids at the end of the trimester until the moment until delivery. Giant platelet cells is a marker of mothers with immune thrombocytopenia purpura In pregnancy this time it did routine check up in hospitals and take corticosteroids at the end of the trimester until the moment until delivery. Giant platelet cells is a marker of mothers with immune thrombocytopenia purpura


Keyword : Immune Thrombositopenia Purpura Pada Kehamilan, Giant Sel, Trombositopenia



Immune Thrombositopenia Purpura (ITP) merupakan penyakit penurunan nilai trombosit disebabkan oleh gangguan antigen dan antibody, merupakan penyakit trombositopenia yang jarang di temui pada ibu hamil. Ibu dengan immune thrombositopenia purpura sangat beresiko melahirkan bayi dengan perdarahan di otak jika pengobatan adekuat. Ibu Hamil G2P1A0 usia 25 tahun dengan riwayat persalinan anak pertama meninggal 24 jam pasca perawatan datang dengan gejala sesak ke rumah sakit,riwayat penyakit terdahulu sering muncul perdarahan spontan sejak kecil,  dari pemeriksaan fisik konjungtiva anemis, tidak ada pembesaran hepar,lien dan kelenjar getah bening, pada pemeriksaan ginekologi tinggi fundus uteri 30 cm, letak kepala, sudah masuk pintu atas panggul, His 3 kali dalam 10 menit durasi 10-20 detik. pemeriksaan dalam di dapat ketuban merembes, terdapat lendir, pemeriksaan darah rutin jumlah platelet dibawah normal, pada pemeriksan morfologi darah tepi ditemukan adanya giant sel trombosit, pasien direncanakan persalinan seksio sesaria transperitoneal profunda dengan spinal anastesi. Pada kehamilan kali ini sudah melakukan kontrol rutin di rumah sakit dan mengkonsumsi kortikosteroid mulai trisemester akhir hingga sesaat sebelum persalinan. Giant sel trombosit merupakan penanda ibu dengan immune trombositopenia purpura


Kata Kunci : Immune Thrombositopenia Purpura Pada Kehamilan, Giant Sel, Trombositopenia

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