Agnesia Wanda Panggalo, Zulkaidhah Zulkaidhah, Yusran Yusran, Rahmawati Rahmawati


Mahogany is a type of tree found in Indonesia. Decreased seedlings are often found in seedlings due to pest and disease attacks. The study aims to identify the type of disease, symptoms of attack, frequency and intensity of attacks. The research uses research procedures by data retrieval in the field and in the laboratory. For the collection of field data by dividing each bed containing seedlings into three blocks of the same size to be used as a place to observe diseases. It then calculates the frequency and intensity of attacks, as well as records the symptoms of attacks on the leaves. While the data collection in the laboratory is done by growing pathogenic diseases in PSA media in petri dish and incubated for several days. Identify the type of pathogen affected using a microscope and compared to existing literature. Results showed that the types of mushrooms that attack mahogany are Puccinia polysora, Cercospora sp, Colletotrichum sp, Monilia sitophila (Mont.) Sacc., Absidia corymbifera (Cohn.) Sacc &Trotter, Myrothecium verrucaria (Orig.). The average attack frequency is highest at BPDASHL nursery Palu Poso, on the leaves the average attack frequency is 58.96% while the intensity of the attack is 38.96% and includes moderate damage criteria. On the rod the average attack frequency is 29.51% while the intensity of the attack is 27.83% and includes moderate damage criteria. At the root of the average attack frequency is 25.45% while the intensity of the attack is 25.45% and includes moderate damage criteria.

Keywords: Mahogany, disease, type of fungi

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