Fitriandifa Rizka Ardi, Pujiyono Pujiyono


The process of the criminal justice system has a filtering characteristic in order to neutralize an act, whether it can be resolved only by an administrative process or has to go to the criminal stage in its application where the hope is that a process can run and be better systemized. In this regard, the Application of the Integrated Indonesian Criminal Justice System in Reducing Over Capacity and the Integrated Process of the Indonesian Criminal Justice System in Reducing Over Capacit. This research used normative juridical research method. the success of the judicial system in achieving its objectives, including the legal culture of power and society, political, economic, social, science and technology development, education and so on. In the criminal justice system, there are three forms of approach, namely: a normative approach containing four law enforcement officers (police, prosecutors, courts, and correctional institutions), an administrative approach, viewing the four law enforcement officials as a management organization that has a working mechanism, both horizontal and which is vertical. Based on this, the cultural value in its application provides a sense of moral value and justice for the running of a process in justice. The application of restorative justice can also be carried out in order to support the application of system integration as well as in terms of the process where not only the police, prosecutors, courts and prisons play a role but also the emergence of cultural values in society.


Criminal Justice System; Integration; Over Capacity

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