Pengaruh Infus Herba Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L) Terhadap Daya Larut Kalsium Batu Kandung Kemih

Agustinus Widodo


The aim of this research is to determine the most effective concentration of “meniran” herb infuse in drawn–out the calcium of bladder stone.  The concentration of infuse was varied in 2 %, 6 %, 10 %, 14 % and 18 % w/v, then they were added with 100 mg of the bladder stone.  The calcium analysis was done by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and this study was formatted in the Completely Randomized Design.  The F test indicate that “meniran” herb infuse increase the calcium solubility of bladder stone significantly and the Duncan’s multiple range test also show that the most effective concentration is 10 % w/v.

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