Penentuan Kadar Kalsium (Ca) dalam Kulit dan Daging Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) yang Berasal dari Sidera

Miswan Miswan, Irwan Said, Ratman Ratman


This study aims to determine the calcium in peel and flesh of red dragon fruit (HylocereusPolyrhizus) Sample uses red dragon fruit aged 2 months, which is ripe on the tree. This research used the Spectrophotometric method, the analysis method based on the measurement of light absorption. Using spectro-direct as an instrument and tablet (Ca) as an indicator. From these studies, it was obtained in calcium levels: for peel was 9.21 mg/100 g and flesh red dragon fruit was 18.10 mg /100 g.


Spectrophotometric, calcium, dragon fruit


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