Ahmad Dwi Juni, Ariyanti Ariyanti, Muthmainnah Muthmainnah, Erniawati Erniawati, Abdul hapid Abdul hapid, Asniati Asniati


Indonesia is a tropical country that has a fairly large forest area. This forest is a national asset that must continue to be managed and developed in a better direction so that it can be utilized sustainably. Nowadays the supply of commercial timber is decreasing.. Fruit-producing trees can be an alternative to meet the supply of wood. One type of such wood is durian wood has a straight and high shape. The background above, the formulation of the problem from this study is for the physical properties and natural durability of durian wood. The purpose of this study is to find out the physical properties and natural durability of durian wood. The benefits of this study are expected to provide information in the form of data on the physical properties and natural durability of durian wood so that it can be used as a reference in the preservation of plantation / community forest wood. This research method uses a Complete Randomized Design consisting of three, namely the base, middle and end. Each sample is repeated five times. The physical properties studied include fresh water content, air dry water content, density and shrinkage. Meanwhile, the natural durability properties studied are the weight loss value. The results showed that the average fresh water content was 35.56%. For The average dry moisture content of air is 11.65%. The average density is 0.36 gr/cm3, for an average depreciation of 4.392% and the average weight loss is 10.59%. Natural durability tests show that durian wood is included in the wood resistance classification III (Medium)


(Physical properties and natural durability of durian wood)

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