Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Fluida Dinamis pada Mahasiswa Calon Guru Fisika

Kartini Nursetya, Kamaluddin Kamaluddin, Muhammad Ali


This study aimed to describe the understanding of the concept of dynamic fluids in prospective physics teacher students. Subjects of this study were 43 students of batch 2016 Physics Education Study Program who had completed the Basic Physics course. The instrument used was a three-tier multiple choice diagnostic test, which were multiple choice questions. Each answer choice was accompanied by a choice of index of confidence level in answering or CRI. It consisted of 20 questions. The data were analyzed to determine the percentage of understanding scientific concepts, understanding alternative concepts, and not understanding concepts. The results indicated that there were 51.94% subjects not understanding the concept, 17.64% understood scientific concepts, and 30.43% understood alternative concepts. The results showed that the understanding of the concept of dynamic fluids among prospective physics teacher students was still low.

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