Nervus Facialis Parese as Complication of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media

Christin Rony Nayoan




Background : CSOM is a chronic inflammation of the middle ear with tympanic membrane perforation and a history of discharge  secretions from the ear (otorea) more than two months, either continuous or intermittent. CSOM has the potential to be very serious because of complications that threaten the health and can cause death. Parese Nervus facialis is a common extracranial Complication of CSOM. . Subjective : to give information about CSOM and its complication. Case: we reported a case female 30 y.o. with chief complain of otorrhea since her childhood and facial motion disorder for 1 year. After HRCT Mastoid examination we found cholesteatoma in tympani cavity. Treatment: On the clinical features and imaging findings, the disease is managed with Tympanomastoidectomy canal wall down followed by antibiotics and corticosteroid intravenous.  Conclusion: Management of CSOM with complication and cholesteatoma in the ear are tympanomastoidectomy canal wall down which is effective to give a good prognosis.


Keywords: CSOM, Cholesteatoma, Parese Nervus Facialis, Tympanomastoidectomy canal wall down.


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