Dimaz Anugrah Antari, Sitti Fatimah Maddusila, Abdul Karimuddin, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, Suarlan Datupalinge, Sulwan Pusadan, Ilham Nurman


The formulation of the problem in this study are: 1. How is the legal protection of publishers against the rampant acts of book piracy?. 2. What is the cause of the rise of book piracy? The objectives of this study are: To determine the legal protection of publishers against the rampant acts of book piracy. To find out the cause of the rise of book piracy. Based on the characteristics of this research, to find answers to the problems raised, normative legal research methods are used. The normative legal research method is based on the characteristics of normative legal science, which is carried out through a normative juridical approach. The normative juridical approach is a legal research approach that is carried out by examining library materials as the basic material for research by conducting a search on regulations and literature related to the problems studied. The conclusions in this study are: Protection of a copyrighted work, especially books that are widely offered in the market, in this case the appreciation for copyrighted works is still low, so that protection cannot be fulfilled optimally, even far from perfect. It can be said that the need and economic conditions, and the need for books support the circulation of pirated books. This phenomenon seems to be a familiar culture and interrelated with each other, namely between publishers, traders, and book lovers, namely the community itself. Apart from cultural factors, the weak role of the apparatus in conducting raids will also make the presence of pirated books on the market a factor. The cause of the rise of book piracy, the lack of respect for copyright is a personal reason for someone in viewing the level of respect for copyright.


Book Piracy; Copyright Holder; Legal protection

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