Siti Ainayah Alfatihah, Mohammad Tavip, Idham Chalid, Jalaluddin Jalaluddin, Abraham Kekka, Muh. Hatta Roma Tampubolon, Sulwan Pusadan


The formulation of the problem in this research are: 1) What is the urgency of disaster mitigation in the spatial plan of the city of Palu?. 2) What are the efforts of the Palu City Government in implementing a spatial plan based on disaster mitigation?. The purposes of this paper are: To find out what is the urgency of disaster mitigation in the spatial plan of Palu City. To find out how the Palu City Government's efforts in implementing the Palu City regional spatial plan based on disaster mitigation. Research is a means to develop knowledge, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. Research is a major part of science, which aims to know more about all aspects of life. This research is a normative legal research method. normative legal research method is legal research that puts the law as a building system of norms. The system of norms in question is about principles, norms, laws and regulations, court decisions, agreements and doctrines (teachings). The conclusions in this study are: The urgency that underlies the Palu City Spatial Plan must have a disaster mitigation perspective, namely the City of Palu seen from its geographical location is an area that is very vulnerable to natural disasters where natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, tsunamis and liquefaction can occur and in PERDA No. 16 of 2011 concerning the Spatial Planning of Palu City for 2010-2030 does not have a disaster mitigation perspective. What can be done by the City government in implementing the Palu City Spatial Plan based on disaster mitigation is the need for socialization to the community regarding the RTRW based on disaster mitigation and taking into account the potential for disaster seen from the historical aspect and local wisdom of the Palu City community.


Disaster Mitigation; Spatial Plan; Palu City Area

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