Afrah Aqzany Yunus, Jubair Jubair, Hamdan Rampadio, Syachdin Syachdin, Benny Diktus Yusman, Amiruddin Hanafi, Muh. Rusli Ayyub


The formulation of the problem in this study is: (1)How is the effectiveness of law enforcement on illegal logging crimes in the Donggala Police Resort area?. (2)What are the obstacles to implementing the law for the criminal act of illegal logging in the Donggala Police Resort area? This study aims to determine the effectiveness of law enforcement on the crime of illegal logging in the Donggala Police Resort area. To find out the obstacles to implementing the law for the criminal act of illegal logging in the Donggala Police Resort area. In this study, the Juridical Empirical Research Method is legal research that describes the research results on the laws that apply in society by explaining the discrepancies between the rules formulated and their application in society. The conclusions in this study are: Law enforcement on the crime of illegal logging in the Donggala Police Resort area is considered to be still not compelling enough, even though various efforts have been made. This can be seen from the many cases of illegal logging that occur in the Donggala Regency. Efforts to overcome illegal logging can be carried out through two approaches, namely preventive measures and repressive actions. In the process of law enforcement for the crime of illegal logging in the Donggala Police Resort area, it was found that there were many inhibiting factors in law enforcement. Those factors are juridical, geographical, k. factors limited funds in the law enforcement process, weak coordination between law enforcement, criminal sanctions are still narrow, seriousness factor, concern and firmness of competent officers, obstacles in the confiscation process, and community factors.


Law Enforcement; Illegal Logging Crime

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