Ramlah Wati, Nur Azisa, Haeranah Haeranah


This research aimed to analyze the implementation of job training as an alternative to fines for children at The Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children Needing Special Protection (BRSAMPK) Toddopuli in Makassar  and analyze the factors that affect the effectiveness of the application of criminal job training for children during the training process until after the sentence. This research used an empirical legal research type with a statute, case and sociological approach. The research was located in The Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children Needing Special Protection (BRSAMPK) Toddopuli in Makassar, Makassar District Court, Sungguminasa District Court and Class I Correctional Centers Makassar. The results showed that the application of job training as a substitute for fines for children has been carried out in the jurisdiction of the Makassar District Court and Sungguminasa District Court based on a court decision whose placement is set at the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children Needing Special Protection (BRSAMPK) Toddopuli in Makassar in the form of vocational training covering computer skills, automotive, electronics, sewing, electric welding, make-up and furniture, but considered not yet effective, marked by factors that affect the effectiveness of their application, namely legal factors, law enforcement factors, facilities and infrastructure factors, community factors and cultural factors.


Children; Criminal Job Training; Legal Effectiveness

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Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945

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Interview with Mrs. Asmawati, S.Sos, as a Social worker in BRSAMPK Toddopuli in Makassar on September 17, 2021.


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