Komang Bisma, Recca Ayu Hapsari


Criminal acts, especially murder that occur at this time, both in quality and quantity are increasing along with the increasing development of people's lives. The research issues that will be discussed in this paper are what factors cause the perpetrator to commit the crime of murder and what is the criminal responsibility for the criminal of murder based on Decision Number: 76/Pid.B/2020/PN.Sdn. Juridical normative and empirical research methods, using secondary and primary data, obtained from library research and field studies, and data analysis with qualitative juridical analysis. Based on the results of the research and discussion of the factors that caused the perpetrator to commit the crime of murder, it was caused by a motivating factor from outside the soul of the perpetrator, the factor of resentment due to humiliation and internal family factors that started with the alleged affair committed by the victim which caused the defendant to commit the crime of murder and the perpetrator's criminal responsibility the crime of murder based on Decision Number: 76/Pid.B/2020/PN.Sdn in the form of consideration of the Panel of Judges in imposing criminal sanctions on the perpetrators of the crime of murder in the form of legal facts revealed in court, where the defendant's actions legally and convincingly have committed murder, the Panel of Judges sentenced Marius Bin Romli to imprisonment for 15 (fifteen) years. The suggestion given is that the criminal sanction of murder should pay attention to the causal factors, because the act of killing is a form of deliberate error that must be accounted for, there is no justification or reason that eliminates criminal responsibility for the accused. It is hoped that the Judge will give a serious criminal decision against the perpetrator of the crime of murder to provide a deterrent effect on the perpetrator of the criminal act.


Causative Factors; Responsibility; Murder Criminal Act;

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