Ronald Julio, Hanna Pratiwi, Yulia Wahyuningsih


Youtube is the largest platform in the world that is used to share videos that you want to upload. The rapidly growing popularity of YouTube has allowed spammers to take advantage of YouTube in an illegal way. These spammers will send comments spam that varies and is very much on the videos contained on YouTube so that YouTube will find it difficult to detect them. Spam comments can be said as comments that are not appropriate or relevant to existing content. To eliminate users or individuals who spam on Youtube, it is solved using the Random Forest and bag-of-word methods, the data used as an experiment is data from UCI which contains the Youtube Spam Collection consisting of 2000 comments. The process of implementing the GridSearchCV algorithm gets an accuracy of 96% and the process of implementing the algorithm uses 2000 words, and does not use the TFIDF algorithm.


spam; youtube; Random Forest;

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