Mahmud Mahmud


The Papua local Communities  still depend  on  land as an  effort to meet their need for food. The aim of the research is to find out the typology of farmers and to design soil conservation so that farmers switch from shifting cultivation to staying  farms.  Research methods with interviews and surveys of agricultural patterns that have been carried out so far. The results showed that the farmers still practiced farming by shifting the main types of crops, long beans, peanuts, cabbage, chilies, sweet potatoes. This type of plant is indeed a fast harvest season (seasonal) that requires a lot of nutrients and fast, so that if the land is replanted with the same type of plant the productivity will be low. Types of plants that are usually planted sedentary, such as areca nut, banana, betel nut, fruits (rambutan, papaya, duku, jackfruit, durian, avocado). Soil conservation designs that need to be implemented include: use of mulch, farming within living fences, ground cover crops and intercropping. The four soil conservations are expected to be able to restore soil fertility and farmers can plant crops without having to open new land. Another benefit of this conservation is that it can change traditional patterns that previously shifted to permanent agriculture and make local people aware not to destroy forests.

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