Risal Munandar, Yusran Yusran, Wardah Wardah, Rahmawati Rahmawati


The biological quality of the soil increases with the presence of soil microorganisms. The microorganism of the organic material remodeling consists of fungi and bacteria. Microorganisms that overhaul organic matter in aerobic conditions are fungi, whereas in anaerobic conditions most of the decomposers of organic matter are bacteria. This study aims to determine the microbial population on agroforestry and cocoa monocultures land in the Pangi Binaggga Nature Reserve, Parigi Moutong district, Central Sulawesi. This research was conducted in January to March 2019. The collection of the soil samples were done in thre locations based on the slope (top, back and valley) on the depth of 0-10 cm. The results showed that the population of soil fungi and bacteria differed between agroforestry and cacao monoculture land. The highest population of soil fungi was found in agroforesri land (31.7 x 105 CFU g-1), while the fungus population was lowest in cocoa monoculture land (31.4 x 105 CFU g-1). The bacterial population was highest in the cocoa monoculture field (78.2 x 107 CFU g-1), while the bacterial popolation was lowest in agroforestry fields (65.7 x 107 CFU g1).

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