Erni Anggraeni, Rukmi Rukmi, Bau Toknok, Sustri Sustri


Medicinal plants are medicinal plants that can relieve pain, increase endurance, kill germs and repair damaged organs. The use of medicinal plants or natural ingredients in general is actually not a new thing. The treatment effort is a form of community participation and at the same time an appropriate technology that has the potential to prolong health development. The purpose of this study is to determine the types, methods of utilization, processing, and what parts of plants are used as medicine by the community in Sidoharjo Village, Moilong District, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted from January to March 2022, in Sidoharjo Village, Moilong District, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. This study uses a snowball sampling method, by visiting village heads, traditional leaders, village shamans, and people who know about the use of medicinal plants. Data from field observations were compiled in a qualitative descriptive manner and analyzed based on tables. The results showed that the types of medicinal plants found were 22 species from 17 families, of which only 17 species were used as medicine by the community in the village. The most widely used plant species was fern (Polystichum acrosticoides) with 16.13%. The most widely used part as medicine is the leaves, which is 29.09%. The most common processing method is boiling, which is 36.84%. The method of utilizing medicinal plants is mostly done by drinking, which is 45%.


Utilization of Medicinal Plants, Sidoharjo Village.

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