Ahmad Zain Maulana, Naharuddin Naharuddin, Rizky Purnama, Arief Sudharono


Forests are a major factor in maintaining the quality and availability of water so that forests function as water regulators, where forests store and absorb water and ultimately drain it into rivers through the watershed system. The river is one of the constituent components of the watershed, therefore the quality of the river border is characterized by looking at the diversity of vegetation types that exist in the river border. The purpose of this study was to determine the type and diversity of fern species in the riverbank, located in Wisolo River, Wisolo Village, South Dolo District, Sigi Regency. This research was conducted from September to October 2022. Observation of fern species was carried out at the Wisolo River border, Wisolo Village, South Dolo District, Sigi Regency. Ferns (Pteridophyta) are plants that can live easily in various places bik terrestrially, epiphytes and in water. The benefits of ferns are very important both for ornamental plants, vegetables, medicines to its role as a balance of the ecosystem. Sampling was done by cruising method. Cruise method is by direct observation and exploring each point of the research location that can represent the types of ecosystems or vegetation in the area under study. The results of this study indicate that the diversity of fern species in the Wisolo river border is included in the medium criteria (H' 2.89). There are 27 species of ferns found in Wisolo riverbank from 7 families.


Forest watershed, Fern diversity, Diversity index

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