Yessy Datu Anjelita, Syukur umur, Budi Setiawan, Imran Rachman, Anwar Anwar, Andi Sahri Alam, Dienul Aslam


The tourism sector is one of the sectors that has been seriously affected by the covid-19 pandemic, including Pango-Pango pine forest tourism located in Tana Toraja Regency. This study aims to determine the effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the economy of the tourism forest. The research method used to analyze the data is a two-factor Discriminant Analysis With Stepwise Estimation method where the variables are inserted one by one into the model. The results showed that the variable frequency of visits and tourist spending is very influential on the economy in the tourist attraction, but during the pandemic visitors to the attraction decreased drastic. This makes the revenue from these attractions to decline. Before the emergence of pandemic covid-19 in indonesia tourists who visit attraction reached 133.432 people in a year, but after the pandemic tourists who visited only ranged from 23.159 - 28.407 people. Then from the classification results of 100 respondents data after two factor discriminant analysis of tourist expenditure categories during the pandemic (increased/fixed and decrease) obtained respondents who belong to the category for expenditure increased/fixed by 47% and then the category for expenditure decreased by 53%. The decrease in the number of tourists visiting during the pandemic resulted in respondents ' spending while visiting also decreased because businesses around tourist attractions mostly closed their business.


Covid-19, Tourism, Pango-Pango.

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