Anas Ma’ruf, I Nengah Korja, Abdul Rosyid, Naharuddin Naharuddin, Elhayat Labiro


Indonesia is one of the countries located on the equator, famous for its natural wealth, both types of flora and fauna. One of the natural wealth of Indonesia's fauna species which is quite high is birds. The number of birds found in Indonesia is 1,539 bird species, which is 17% of the total birds in the world. The purpose of this study is to update the diversity of bird species in the Palu Raya Forest Park, Layana Indah, Palu Central Sulawesi Province. This research was carried out in the Grand Forest Park in the door area of Layana Village, Mantikulore District. The implementation time starts from April to May 2021. The observation location is in the Grand Forest Park Area, Mantikulore District Gate, Observation time is in the morning starting at 06.00-10.00 WITA and in the afternoon starting at 15.30-18.00 WITA. This study uses the Point of Abudance Index (Point-Count) method. The results of this study show that the diversity of bird species in the Layana Indah area in the Palu Grand Forest Park (TAHURA) area, Central Sulawesi, found 30 bird species from 20 families. Based on the Species Diversity Index (H'), which is equal to H' = 2.710531, it is classified as medium diversity criteria. bird species with the highest species diversity index, namely Sea Glasses (Zosterops choloris) with a total value of H' = 0.32160.


Birds, Forest Area, Biodiversity

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