Ulfa Tina, Naharuddin Naharuddin, Rukmi Rukmi, Sustri Sustri, Abdul Wahid


Watershed is a certain area (DAS) whose natural shape and nature is such that it is a unit with other rivers and tributaries that pass through the area, in its function to accommodate water originating from rainfall and other water sources. storage and distribution for the sake of the balance of the area (Ministry of Forestry, 1993). The purpose of this study was to calculate the diversity of vegetation types in the Wera sub-watershed, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. This research will be carried out for two months, from August to September 2021. This research uses a combination method between the path method and the checkered line method. to collect data on tree species in the Wera Sub-watershed, West Dolo District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The results of this study indicate that the number of vegetation types in the research location of the Wera Sub-watershed The number of vegetation types in the Wera-Watershed is 26 species for the tree level, 26 species at the pole level, 15 species at sapling level, and 28 species at seedling level, the dominant species at the tree level are Terminalia catappa with INP 18.99%, Palaquium obovatum pole level with INP 26.6%, Swetenia mahagoni sapling rate with INP 26.27%, and seedling rate of Valesu Bacarurea tetranda with INP 15.81%. The Diversity Index (H') for each level is moderate. Where the tree level is 2.65, the pole level is 2.4, the sapling level is 2.08, and the seedling level is 2.34.


Wera Sub-Watershed, Diversity,Vegetation

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