Mohammad Aidil, Muslimin Muslimin, Zulkaidhah Zulkaidhah, Asgar Taiyeb, Rahmawati Rahmawati


Rambutan is a plant whose growth is relatively slow, therefore the use of POC or organic bagasse is expected to accelerate growth in rambutan plants, and also POC is expected, ampa fertilizer is expected to facilitate the application and absorption of nutrients. In addition, this liquid organic fertilizer is also expected to encourage and increase the formation of chlorophyll and also trigger branch growth. This study also aims to determine the various concentrations of liquid organic fertilizer from sugarcane bagasse fermentation on the growth of rambutan seedlings (Nephelium lappaceum). The treatment that gave the best response to the growth of rambutan seedlings was treatment M4 = 100% liquid organic fertilizer from bagasse, on all growth parameters The average yield of rambutan seedling height increased from the highest to the lowest, namely M4 = 5 cm, M2 = 4 ,5 cm, M1= 4.1 cm, M3= 3.8 and M0= 3.5 cm, The result of increasing the average diameter from the highest to the lowest M4= 1.22 mm, M1= 0.71 mm, M3 = 0.69, M2 = 0.55 mm and M0 = 0.43 mm, The average results of the increase in the number of rambutan seedlings from the highest to the lowest M4 = 6.2 leaves, M3 = 5.4 leaves, M1 = 5 strands, M2 = 4.8 strands and M0 = 3.4 strands.


Rambutan, sugarcane, Dregs, and organic fertilizer.

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