Adi Nugroho, Hamzari Hamzari, Hendra Pribadi, Arman Maiwa, Anwar Anwar


Cultivation is a planned activity in maintaining biological resources in an area of land to be fully utilized and yielded. Some types of biological resources that are often cultivated include plants, livestock, and plantations. From these cultivation activities, it is expected to produce products that can meet daily human needs and generate profits for the cultivators. This study aims to determine the cultivation of rubber plants by farmers in Pa'awaru Village, Lembo Raya District, North Morowali District. This research was conducted for two months, from April to May 2021. The research location is in Pa'awaru Village, Lembo Raya Sub-District, North Morowali District. The selection of this research location was based on the consideration that Pa'awaru Village has many rubber plantations. The research used descriptive qualitative analysis. The rubber plant cultivation efforts carried out by the community in Pa'awaru Village have several stages in the cultivation process, including seeding, land preparation, planting, plant maintenance, pest control and finally harvesting or production results. The research result shows that the people of Pa'awaru Village depended on rubber plantations as their main livelihood to support their survival. In addition, local people use rubber tree trunks as fuel for household needs.


Karet, Budidaya, Pa’awaru, Morowali Utara

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