Assidiq S. Musa, Adam Malik, Misrah Misrah, Akhbar Akhbar, Ida Arianingsih, Hasriani Muis


Land cover change is very important information in forest monitoring management. Changes that occur from certain periods of time need to be known to be used as information in determining management towards a better direction. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in land cover from 2015 to 2020. This research was carried out for 3 months, from March to May 2020, which took place in Kinovaro District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The method used in this research is digital image analysis using guided classification with the Maximum Likelihood Classification method, field surveys, and overall accuracy and Kappa accuracy tests. The results of the analysis carried out can be seen that there is a change in the land cover area of each land cover class, namely forest area of 1,288.35 ha, experiencing a reduction of 110.52 ha to 1,177.83, shrub forest cover of 999.72 ha experiencing an increase of 135. .45 ha to 1,135.17 ha, open land area of 1114.29 ha experienced a reduction of 28.8 ha to 1,085.49 ha, and settlements covering an area of 2.16 ha experienced an increase of 3.87 ha to 6.03 ha. Overall accuracy test accuracy is 85.93% and Kappa is 0.83%


Land cover change, guided classification, landsat 8 image, Forest protecte, accuracy test

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