Meilistia Rahmawati, Rukmi Rukmi, Naharuddini Naharuddini, Abdul Rosyid, Rizky Purnama


The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution pattern of butterflies in the Grand Forest Park (Tahura) area of Central Sulawesi Province. This research was carried out from June to July 2021 at Pombewe Village which is still included in the Grand Forest Park Area. This research was carried out from June 2021 to July 2021. Data collection on the type and number of individuals of each butterfly species was carried out using the path transect method. The path transect method is the method used in which the butterfly observer walks slowly by following the direction of the transect line that has been determined and capturing the distribution of the butterfly species encountered. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the butterfly distribution pattern has a clustered and uniform distribution pattern. butterfly species included in a clustered distribution pattern (25 species), butterfly species included in a uniform distribution pattern (7 species) and there were (8 species) butterflies whose distribution pattern was random because the number was only 1 so the Morisita Index could not counted


Distribution Pattern Tahura

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