Gusnawati Gusnawati, Golar Golar, Arman Maiwa, Syukur Umar, Sudirman Daeng Massiri, Abdul Rahman


Mangroves are the main ecosystem that supports important life in coastal areas. In addition to having important ecological functions as a nutrient provider for aquatic biota, spawning and nurturing sites for various biota, abrasion barrier, windbreak, tsunami, waste absorber, prevention of sea water intrusion, and so on, mangrove forests also have economic functions such as fishing grounds. , wood suppliers and others. The benefits of mangrove ecosystems that have a physical relationship are as disaster mitigation such as dampening waves and storm winds for the surrounding area, coastal protection and abrasion, tidal waves, tsunamis, mud retaining and trapping sediment transported by surface water flows, preventing water intrusion. land sea, and can neutralize water pollution to a certain extent. Another benefit of the mangrove ecosystem is that it can be used as an object of natural tourist attraction and ecotourism attraction and as a source of medicinal plants. The results of this study conclude that the level of motivation of the people in the Kabonga Besar village based on economic needs is in a very high category. The high level of living needs encourages the community to cooperate in maintaining the stability of the ecosystem in the mangrove forest area. Preservation efforts are carried out in the form of preserving mangroves by not taking excessive wood or destructive activities, as well as conducting socialization with the community about the importance of maintaining mangrove forest ecosystems and will carry out mangrove planting together.


Motivation, management, mangrove forest

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