Firman Marjuni, Arief Sudhartono, Sustri Sustri, Bau Toknok, Naharuddin Naharuddin, Rukmi Rukmi


In Central Sulawesi, especially Lonu Village, there is a natural tourism called “Kebun Kopi Bisa”. It has beautiful and natural landscape with a variety of flora and fauna. This conditions area has the value of environmental services and can be developed into a natural tourism object. Information about the potential of this area is still limited so that this research of assessment is important to do with the aim of skin research is knowing the natural tourism potential of “Kebun Kopi Bisa”. This research was carried out using the survey, documentation, and direct interview methods at “Kebun Kopi Bisa”, Lonu Village, Bunobogu District, Buol Regency and interviewed 30 respondents. Then analyzed using the feasibility assessment of tourist area “ADO-ODTWA”. The results of this study indicate that the tourism object "Kebun Kopi Bisa" has the potential as a natural tourist attraction area where the scenery is still very natural, very beautiful, has several types of endemic flora and fauna analyzed using the “ADO-ODTWA” guidelines, the Director General of PHKA 2003 can be seen in terms of road access to “Kebun Kopi Bisa”. In the assessment of the attractiveness eligibility index criteria with a total average score of 68.14% where for the attractiveness criteria obtained 69.44% is feasible, accessibility criteria is 75% is feasible and the assessment of facilities and infrastructure criteria is 60% is not feasible

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