Samuel Dedi, Retno Wulandari, Muslimin Muslimin, Kartika Megawati


In addition , the chicken manure is mixed with leftover chicken food and husks as a base for the cage which can contribute additional nutrients to the manure. (Widowati .,2005) in this study aimed to determine the effect of chicken manure on growth durian seedlings ( Durio Zibethinus Murr). This research was carried out for there from january 2021 to April 2021 at the BPDASHL-Palu poso permanent nursery, Tadulako University, palu, Central sulawesi. This study used a completely randomized design (CDR) method,which consisted of four treatments namely A0 = Without chicken manure, A1=200 grams of chicken manure , A2 400 grams of chicken manure , A3 = 600 grams of chicken manure. Was repeated ten times each, so that the total sampel was 40. The parameters observed were seedling diameter, seedling height, and number of seedling leaves. The research data were analyzed by analysis of variance (f teat),if the treatments were significantly different, then the honest significant difference (BNJ) test was carried out at a level of 5%.Treatment of varios doses, chicken manure gave a real effet on the growth of durian seedling. The treatment that gave the best response was treatment A3 = (600 grams of chicken manure) with an average height growth of 3,7 cm, an increase in the number of 5.1 strands and an average diameter increase of 1,52mm.


ultisol soil, red jabon, guano fertilizer

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