Taufik Hidayat, Hamzari Hamzari, Andi Sahri Alam


Air Panas Village located in West Parigi District, Parigi Moutong Regency, it is one of the areas that has become the target of the Dolago Tanggunnung KPH Program. Since 2017, KPH Doalgo Tanggunung has approved the Air Panas Village as one of the efforts to empower the community, where the program is the planting rubber trees, patchouli and extracting essential oils (patchouli). The rubber trees were planted in productive forest land and the patchouli were planted in the land of Hot Water community. The purpose of this study was to determine the community empowerment program by KPH Dolago Tanggunung in the Air Panas Village of West Parigi District, Parigi Moutong Regency. This research was conducted for three months, starting from January to March 2019. The research was conducted with 20 respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The result showed the community empowerment program by KPH Dolago Tanggunung in the Air Panas Village of West Parigi Subdistrict Parigi Moutong District which involves most of the Salubai Indah farmer groups chaired by Mr. Ayub M in carrying out the empowerment program by KPH Dolago Tanggunung and the empowerment program by KPH are planting rubber trees, patchouli and essential oil refining plants (Patchouli) with the result that this empowerment program can help to improve the economy of the community in the Air Panas Village


Community Empowerment by KPH

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