Idris Idris, Naharuddin Naharuddin, Sustri Sustri


Tourism is a very important resource for the area that is a tourist destination. All potential natural resources and biodiversity in Indonesia, if managed properly will have an important role for the development of tourism, especially natural tourism. Ecotourism is a form of tourism that is very closely related to the principle of conservation, in the strategy of ecotourism development also uses conservation strategies. Central Celebes has considerable potential for ecotourism development. One of them is Likunggavali Waterfall, Uevolo Village, Parigi Moutong Regency. Ecotourism also means involving local people in the process and they can obtain socio-economic benefits from the process. This process also includes the strict instructions put in place by various authorities so that the fluctuations of tourists arriving at least bring about the most minimal negative influence on the region's environment. The aim of the study was to find out community participation in the management of Likunggavali Waterfall tours. This research was carried out for 3 months, from April to June 2018, located in the tourist area of Likunggavali Waterfall, Uevolo Village Siniu District, Parigi Moutong District. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Sampling of data analysis and analysis using the Likert scale test. The results of the study show that community participation in the business permit indicators for managing tourism and the establishment of tourist areas fall into the category of under-participation. While community participation in organizational formation indicators is referred to in the participating category


Community participation in the management of likunggavali waterfall tours

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