Damria Damria, Syukur Umar


Forest is natural wealth controlled by the state in accordance with Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution: "earth, water and natural resources contained in it are controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people ". The dependence of local people on forests and forest land is an interaction that often occurs in everyday life. Communities can benefit directly from the existence of forests as supporting economic sustainability which in turn will improve their welfare and quality of life. Preference is also intended to see the level of concern and tendency of the community in maintaining their forests and fulfilling their daily needs by utilizing forest resources in the Bobo Village. This study aims to determine the community's preference for forest management in Bobo Village, Palolo District, Sigi Regency. The time of the study was carried out for 3 months from August to October 2018. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. The number of respondents was 16% of 279 households, so the number of respondents interviewed was 34 families. Respondents in question are all communities in Bobo Village that use forest products (timber and non-timber forest products). The results showed that forest product preferences obtained and felt by the community of Bobo Village were the use of water for household needs with a percentage of 100%, use of firewood 97.05%, medicines 94.11% and biodiversity protection 61.76 %. The majority of Bobo villagers have understood the functions of forests in their villages. Utilization of forest resources by not carrying out destructive activities such as cutting down trees and extracting other forest products excessively will have a positive impact on the community of Bobo Village.


Preference, Forests, Utilization, Bobo Village

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