Tri Damayanti, Abdul Wahid, Sudirman Daeng Massiri


This research is a study of the role of the party in support of the use of rattan in KPH partnership Dolago Tanggunung Jono Kalora village. Data collection was conducted over three months, from November to December 2018. The research took place in the village of Jono Kalora, District of North Parigi, Parigi Moutong district. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of parties in supporting partnerships severe in the use of rattan. The data collection technique using questionnaires and in-depth interviews (depth interview), respondents selected intentionally (purposive sampling) and analysis used isAnalysis of the role of the analytical framework 4R (Right, Respsibilities, Revenues, and Relationship). The results showedParties are likely to be involved in the use of rattan in the village of Jono Kalora, District of North Parigi in KPH Dolago highest Tanggunung Forest Farmers Group (KTH) and village officials and business Tangung KPH Dolago. The role of each party in support of the partnership utilization Forest Farmers Group (KTH) planting, maintenance, harvesting and management. Village officials control the licensing and training. KPH Dolago Tanggunung provide counseling facilities, and training.


The role of the Partnership, Utilization of Rattan

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