Arifah Nur, Naharuddin Naharuddin


The Miu sub-Watershed is one ohe the sub-Watershed in Palu. The Miu sub-Watershed flows water into Palu river and is used by the community to make irrigation canals. The Miu sub-Watershed is dominated by forest area, But the forest area tends to decrease due to the activities of the community who cultivate without applying conservation principles soil. One of the efforts to manage watershed by monitoring the debit and sediment of flows which flooding in the Miu sub-Watershed to find out how much the debit and sediment flow itself. The ability of river flow is very necessary to determind the potential of water resources in a watershed area. The debit flow can be used as a tool to monitor and evaluate the water balance of an area through the approach of existing surface water potential. Related to the sediment transport processes, floating sediment load can be seen as riverbed material floating in the river flow mainly consisting of fine grains which are always supported by water and have very little interaction with the riverbed, because they are always pushed up by the turbulence of flow


Sub-Watershed of Miu, Sediment, Discharge of water

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