Indah Dwi Putri, Irwansyah Irwansyah, Zulkifli Aspan


This study aims to (1) evaluate the form of permits for the control of coastal areas used as restaurant businesses in fish auction areas in Takalar Regency and (2) to examine the legal implications for the use of coastal areas used as restaurant businesses in fish auction areas in Takalar Regency.

This research uses empirical legal research methods using primary data and secondary data with interview techniques and literature studies. The study was further analyzed qualitatively and the results were presented descriptively.

The results of this study are: (1) The form of permission for the use of coastal areas used as a place of restaurant business in the fish auction area in Takalar Regency does not have a permit. The district government is recollecting data on restaurant businesses that utilize coastal areas, especially in the coastal area of Gusunga, North Galesong District, Takalar Regency. Data collection efforts were again carried out to give the community legality to the established business. (2) The legal implications for the use of coastal areas used as restaurant businesses in the fish auction area in Takalar Regency itself are violations because every business should have a permit and also on the use of coastal areas should have a location permit. As a rule, violations have been proven, meaning that every business that wants to be established must have a permit and also for the use of space must be by applicable regulations.


Licensing; Restaurant Business; Use

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