Ashar Ridwan, Susi Susilawati, Nurul Miqat, Sulwan Pusadan


The implementation of the New Normal is mandatory for all elements in national and international society. The pandemic is ongoing, even giving rise to new variant viruses, to an uncertain ending. What is certain is that marriage events must continue to take place to give birth to a new generation of replacements for Covid-19 victims who are increasingly out of control. Therefore, the implementation of the marriage registration policy must be updated following the current situation. How is the marriage procession at Religious Affair Official Matikulore in the new normal era? The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze how the marriage procession at Religious Affair Official Matikulore was held during the New Normal period, by using empirical legal research methods, starting from the stages of observation, interviews, documentation, reporting of research results, and seminars. The results of the study reveal that there are differences in the marriage procession in the period before the COVID-19 and at the New Normal era. All parties are ordered to obey the health protocol even if it is against tradition and custom. Wearing a mask, wearing gloves, spraying or applying hand sanitizer, keeping a distance, 10 people are enough, and no need to shake hands.


COVID-19; Marriage; New Normal

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