Jalaluddin M Isa


The regulation of citizenship is a contemporary study that will always demand changes so that the concept of citizenship follows the development of an increasingly open world order due to globalization. The era of globalization that is happening in the world today shows the fading of boundaries between countries, which is followed by a change in the meaning of the concept of nationalism and the revival of the concept of love for the homeland which is inclusive of cosmopolitanism, nationalism, the recognition of dual citizenship status becomes important in the effort to provide legal protection for every person of Indonesian descent who is now a member of the Indonesian diaspora community. The purpose of this paper is to study the possibility of allowing dual citizenship status for the Indonesian diaspora community and to study what changes were made in Law number 12 of 2006 concerning Indonesian Citizenship to provide recognition of dual citizenship status of Indonesian diaspora. The method used in this paper is normative legal research using a statutory approach and a historical approach as well as a conceptual approach. The study's results revealed that it was possible to recognize dual citizenship for the Indonesian diaspora community by redefining the concept of nationalism which had been interpreted narrowly and exclusively to be inclusive of cosmopolitanism.


Indonesian Diaspora; Dual Citizenship; inclusive nationalism; Inclusive Cosmopolitanism.

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