Sharron Pamella, Sonyendah Retnaningsih


A notary protocol is a collection of documents that are state archives that must be stored and maintained by a notary. The notary is authorized to make authentic deed and have other authorities as intended is to legalize the deed and keep the notary protocol and provide copies of it to the relevant parties. A copy of the deed should only be issued by a Notary who holds the notary protocol on the deed to be issued a copy of it. The problem of this research is how the issuance of copies of deed in the case of notary deed maker has ended his term of office while the notary protocol has notary noted submitted to the notary recipient notary protocol and how if on the basis of the application letter, Notaries who have ended their term of office are asked to issue a copy of the notary deed to be held as evidence in the trial. The research method used in this study is normative juridical. This study concludes that the notary is responsible for every deed he makes even though the Notary Protocol has been submitted to the depositor of the notary protocol the strength of the copy of the deed made by the notary is equal to the evidentiary of the original deed or authentic deed minute so that the evidentiary force is perfect and can be used as a means of proof of persecution.


Copy of Deed; Notary Protocol; Proof Tool

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