Rahmia Rachman, Erlan Ardiansyah, Abdul Karimuddin, Mangapatila Mangapatila, Armin K, Hartanto Hartanto, Jubair Jubair, Suarlan Datupalinge


Palu city is currently one of the Special Economic Areas in Eastern Indonesia. Various preparations for palu city as a special economic area have been carried out. One of them is the preparation of an area of 1,520 ha in north Palu sub-district. The development certainly requires land to be used as a support for development so that many people make the transfer of property rights to land because of buying and selling. Most of the land that is traded is land that has not been unionized. The issues that will be studied in this study are how to implement the transfer of land rights (buying and selling) in the city of Palu and whether the transition has realized an orderly land administration. The approach method used in this research is an empirical juridical method that analyzes problems by combining legal materials that are secondary data with primary data obtained directly from informants through field research.. The result of the research is the implementation of the transfer of property rights to land because buying and selling in realizing the orderly land administration in Palu City in 2022 is in accordance with Article 37 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration, namely all respondents to transfer property rights to land due to buying and selling in the presence of PPAT, on the grounds of ensuring legal certainty to be registered at the Land Office and to be safe.


Land Rights; Land Registration; Legal certainty; Administrative Orderly

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