Reza Khaeru Umammi, Pujiyono Pujiyono


Indonesia as a country that has declared war on corruption has not yet ratified article 18 of the UNCAC on trading in influence. The legal subject of influence trading (influence trading) of these actors can be carried out by public officials to other people, then, the actors of influence trading (influence trading) get the benefits they should not. The absence of regulation regarding the formulation of influence trafficking offenses in positive law in Indonesia causes often officials and law enforcers of bribery offenses, this can result in confusion that occurs continuously only for the perpetrators and does not simply escape without criminal sanctions, because the author aims to find out how the urgency of the law regarding the regulation of this matter. Disclosure of this, the author uses a normative juridical research by maximizing the case approach and the law's opinion. With the hope of creating written rules regarding the offense of trafficking in influence as an offense that is included in the criminal act of corruption. so with this there needs to be a criminalization of the influence of trade.


Corruption; Criminalization; Trading in Influence

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