I Wayan Gde Wiryawan


The largest source of income for the province of Bali is through the tourism sector. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has implications for the closure of tourism. As a result, economic growth in Bali experienced a deep contraction up to -10.98%. In order to accelerate the reopening of tourism, the government has launched a national vaccine movement, including for tourism business actors. However, there is resistance to vaccination because it has not been believed yet to be safe. This study will examine two problems, namely the right to health in the context of tourism and the construction of government policies against vaccine rejection by tourism business actors. Vaccination is the responsibility of the state in fulfilling the right to life and the right to health. Each local government has a policy against vaccine refusal. Jakarta and West Java are the provinces that impose fines for residents who refuse vaccines, while Bali does not impose sanctions on residents who refuse vaccines. In order to ensure safety when tourism reopens, local governments can apply for proof of being vaccinated requirements for every person who will return to work in the tourism sector.


Businessmen; Covid-19; Tourism; Human Rights; Vaccine

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